Tag: Family Travel

New South Wales, Australia: Scratching the Surface

“We drove up the coast from Sydney to Nelson Bay. A few days later, we drove from Sydney and headed directly west into Blue Mountains National Park. If you look on the map, you will see that we ever-so-slightly scratched the New South Wales surface. We recognize that there is a lot more to see in New South Wales and the rest of Australia. Interestingly enough, we felt like we did not have enough time to see everything.”

Sydney, Australia TOP THINGS TO DO

Sydney, Australia: A Revelation Introduction: For years I have been determined to get my husband to travel to Australia. He poo-pooed me at every turn. Alas, I secured some cheap airfare and encouraged him to buck up and do some research. Thankfully, his favorite travel writer, Bill Bryson, wrote a great book on Australia: “In Read more…